
Simple Tree Tools 2.7 for Houdini FX

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Simple Tree Tools 2.7 for Houdini FX

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Simple Tree Tools 2.7 - A complete set of fully procedural tree modeling tools for Houdini. Simple and intuitive to use, yet advanced enough for creating any kind of procedural tree or foliage.

All the features needed for realistic tree creation is here. Everything from simple bending to more advanced features like 4 types of Tropisms and Real Time Wind and Growth animation.

There are also tools included aimed for game developer workflows.

Get Indie version here: Simple Tree Tools LC


  • Trunk Maker: Create simple trunk with a few controls for shape. You can even use multiple curves as input or optional Seed Points and grow trees from there.
  • Branch Maker: Create branches from any previous level, you can pipe as many levels as you want after one another. 
  • Simple Leaf: As it sounds, simple leaf creation tool with a few controls.
  • Leaf Scatter: Very powerful scatter tool for leaves. Scatter leaves (or any geometry) on any previous levels of your choosing. It also has simple "wind animation" and random color and distribution options.
  • Deintersect: Deintersect scattered leaves.
  • Leaves From Branches: Build leaves from curves input. Useful when creating flowers or other foliage when scattering leaves instances isn't enough.
  • Geo to Branches: Deform custom geo along the tree curves with distribution options. Can be used with scanned geo or simple planes with textures for example.
  • Tree Mesher: Mesh your tree with intuitive controls. It also has advanced controls for "trunk flares", building knots and custom cross-sections.
  • Seams Maker: Create seamless transitions where the branches intersect with normal and uv blending.
  • Wind Modifier: Beautiful detailed wind animation on anything from small plants to big trees.
  • Simple Motion: Animate the tree curves with Simple Motion. Natural looking Realtime Wind simulation. Even on big trees with a lot of branches!
  • Simple Leaf Motion: Create simple leaf rustle. Very fast and works on packed geo. This means you can animate an entire field of grass for example.
  • Simple Grow: Grow your trees or plants with this node.
  • Simple Bone Deform: Deforms "Tree Mesher" and "Leaf Scatter" after animation.
  • Atlas Processor: Create leaves or branches geometry from stencil maps with a lot of options for polycount and shaping.
  • STT to PivotPainter: A "Bridge" tool to be used in conjunction with Labs Pivot Painter tool. It makes all the necessary attributes and pivots from a Simple Tree Tools tree.
  • Initialize Curves: Take any input curve and make it work with the rest of the STT system.
  • Inject Curves: Inject curves into an already built system.
  • Falloff: System wide unified falloff node with a lot of options.

V 2.7 Highlights:

Reworked all Tropisms and added several new ones.

New Pruning by Density which will kill branches if it is to crowded in the direction of the growth.

A new Auto Mode for creating branches. Use attributes to generate branches on the whole structure instead of choosing a group or the last level.

New Twist Modifier. Works really well with the old bifurcation mode.

Updated Wind Modifier with accurate directional wind bending.

Several fixes and many speed enhancements throughout the system.

V 2.6 Highlights:

New system wide falloff node that can be used to modify almost any parameter where there is a falloff.

New Bifurcation model.

New Deintersect Leaves node.

Several fixes and enhancements throughout the system.

V 2.5 Highlights:

Four new nodes: Seams Maker, Wind Modifier, Initialize Curves and Inject Curves.

Several fixes and enhancements throughout the system.

V 2.4 Highlights:

Reworked a lot of internals for faster processing and a nice speed bump on drop down.

New "Accurate Solver" mode for the Tropisms. 

Trunk Maker can take "Optional Seed Points". Grass anyone?

A lot of other small goodies and features. 

Special thanks to Henry Foster (MOPs) for giving me permission to use some of his code in the Noise 2.0 feature. 

Be sure to check out MOPs! 


Also a big thanks to Stephen Bester for helping me port this over to KineFX and help with the Simple Bone Deform setup!

Happy modeling!


  • Standard: To be used by one user on maximum two computers at a time.
  • Studio: To be used on a limitless number of computers by a limitless number of users in your facility.
  • You are not allowed to share or resell Simple Tree Tools in any way. 
  • Simple Tree Tools can be used for commercial purposes excluding reselling the product itself.
  • You may create backups to the software but do not circulate/distribute them in public.
  • We do not warrant that the software or your ability to use it will be uninterrupted or error-free. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
  • Your exclusive remedy under the above limited warranty shall be, at our option, either a full refund of the purchase price or correction of the defective software or media. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all liability for indirect or consequential damages that arise under this license agreement. Nothing in this agreement limits our liability to you in the event of death or personal injury resulting from gross negligence, fraud, or knowing misrepresentation on our part.
  • If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms will stay in effect. This agreement does not prejudice the statutory rights of any party dealing as a consumer
  • This agreement does not supersede any express warranties we made to you. Any modification to this agreement must be agreed to in writing by both parties.
  • This agreement will apply from the date of the installation of the software.

Nils Westfelt: nirfse3d@gmail.com

Requirements: Houdini FX 19.5+

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19 HDAs for creating any kind of trees or foliage, including tools aimed for game developer workflows. Example file containing many setups.

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